Climate Change & Food Systems

Virtual launch event

MAY 12, 2022 | 9:30 - 11:00 am EDT

Climate change poses a major threat to our food systems. IFPRI’s flagship report on Climate Change & Food Systems highlights the urgency of accelerating innovation, reforming policies, resetting market incentives, and increasing financing for sustainable food systems transformation.

A word from IFPRI

Our food systems are inseparably linked to the unprecedented climate crisis, which threatens the food security, nutrition, and health of billions of people. Food systems are not only severely impacted by climate change, requiring an urgent focus on adaption, but also play a role in causing global greenhouse gas emissions. Investing in food systems transformation is a key piece of the climate change puzzle, but recent efforts fall far short of what is urgently needed: a wide range of investments in climate-positive research, development, policies, and programs rooted in food systems.

Johan Swinnen
Director General, IFPRI
Global Director, Systems Transformation, CGIAR


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Explore thematic chapters to learn about innovations and policy responses to climate change that can support food and nutrition security, livelihoods, and sustainable food systems.

Transforming Food Systems

Food system transformation must play a central role in climate adaption and mitigation through actions that ensure food security, livelihoods, and sustainability

Repurposing Agricultural Support

Repurposing current government support to agriculture, such as subsidies to farm outputs, can fund the R&D needed for climate-smart food systems

Trade Reforms

Free and open trade can support food security and nutrition and contribute to sustainable resource use

R&D for Food Systems

Investments in R&D provide enormous returns in food system productivity and sustainability

Climate Finance

Financial flows for climate change can be reoriented to support sustainable food systems transformation

Social Protection

Creating adaptive social protection systems for the most vulnerable is vital to building resilience to climate change

Landscape Governance

Landscape governance engages stakeholders for integrated management of natural resources to address climate change

Nutrition & Healthy Diets

Shifting to sustainable healthy diets to protect human and planetary health requires consumer education, fiscal measures, and healthier food environments

Clean Energy

In coordination with water and other resource sectors, investments in clean energy can boost agricultural productivity and sustainability


Recent innovations in genome-editing allow researchers to rapidly develop climate-resilient crops suitable for small farmers in low- and middle-income countries

Food Value Chains

Climate change will require adaptation all along food value chains, from crop production to consumption, to prevent disruptions and food waste

Digital Innovations

Digital innovations offer technologies and unprecedented access to data to manage climate risks to food systems


Learn about regional and country-level policy responses to the threats posed by climate change

Climate change is a global threat, but its impacts vary around the world. Regions and countries will need to prioritize different innovations and policy reforms for adaptation, mitigation, and resilience.

Africa south of the Sahara

Responses to climate change in Africa must focus on adaptation by tailoring innovations to diverse local contexts and mobilizing investments for resilience

Latin America & Caribbean

The region’s food systems provide vital food exports and its forests are key to global mitigation efforts, but LAC countries have suffered recent setbacks

Central Asia

Projected impacts on crop yields point to the need for crop diversification, water-saving technologies, and increased use of digital technologies for resource management

Middle East & North Africa

The combination of climate change and water scarcity requires new approaches to water management, including new technologies and climate-smart trade

East & Southeast Asia

Improved financing is needed to drive sustainable food system transformation, especially for small farmers

South Asia

Reform of government subsidies for fertilizers and energy can support a shift to more sustainable food systems