Informe de políticas alimentarias mundiales 2023: Repensar las respuestas a las crisis alimentarias
Latin America & Caribbean Discussion of IFPRI’s 2023 Global Food Policy Report: Rethinking Food Crisis Responses
JUN 21, 2023 - 9:30 TO 11:00AM EDT
Latin America & Caribbean

Lo invitamos a unirse a nosotros en el evento de lanzamiento virtual para LAC, donde los oradores arrojarán luz sobre los hallazgos significativos del informe 2023 desde una perspectiva regional.
En 2022, el mundo se enfrentó a múltiples crisis. Continuaron las perturbaciones de los sistemas alimentarios debidas a la prolongada pandemia de COVID-19, las grandes catástrofes naturales, los disturbios civiles y la inestabilidad política, así como los crecientes efectos del cambio climático, mientras la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania y la inflación agravaban una crisis mundial de alimentos y fertilizantes. El creciente número de crisis, su impacto cada vez mayor y el aumento del número de personas hambrientas y desplazadas han galvanizado los llamamientos para replantear las respuestas a las crisis alimentarias, creando así una verdadera oportunidad para el cambio.
We invite you to join us at the virtual launch event for LAC, where speakers will shed light on the significant findings of the 2023 report from a regional perspective.
In 2022, the world faced multiple crises. Disruptions to food systems from the protracted COVID-19 pandemic, major natural disasters, civil unrest and political instability, and the growing impacts of climate change continued, as the Russia-Ukraine war and inflation exacerbated a global food and fertilizer crisis. The growing number of crises, their increasing impact, and rising numbers of hungry and displaced people have galvanized calls to rethink responses to food crises, creating a real opportunity for change.
Welcome Remarks
- Valeria Piñeiro, Acting Head of the Latin American region & Senior Research Coordinator, IFPRI
- Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla, IICA Visiting Fellow, IFPRI (Presentation)
- Manuel Hernandez, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI (Presentation)
- Rob Vos, Director, Markets, Trade and Institutions (MTI), IFPRI (Presentation)
Panel Discussion
- Julio A. Berdegué, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Gloria Abraham Peralta, Consultant, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
- Cecilia Lopez Montaño, President, CiSoe
Closing Remarks
- Valeria Piñeiro, Acting Head of the Latin American region & Senior Research Coordinator, IFPRI
- Valeria Piñeiro, Acting Head of the Latin American region & Senior Research Coordinator, IFPRI
Launch Events
May 19, 2023
April 13, 2023
Washington DC
May 11, 2023
May 21, 2023
May 24, 2023
Middle East and North Africa
June 19-20, 2022
June 21, 2023
Latin America and the Caribbean
June 22, 2023
July 2023