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General Messages

?️ @IFPRI's Global Food Policy Report is out NOW!

? "Transforming #FoodSystems After #COVID19"

 ? 6 Chapters of the latest #foodpolicy insights

 Check out the #GFPR2021 website ?



? @IFPRI's #FoodSystem Wishlist ?:

? #Healthy

? #Resilient

? #Efficient

? #Sustainable

? #Inclusive

There's a unique opportunity for transformation post-pandemic; let's check those boxes. ✅

✨ Read the #GFPR2021 to learn more:

[tag in photo: @CGIAR]


? #COVID19 exposed weaknesses and inequalities in our #foodsystems.

@IFPRI’s #GFPR2021 urges us to take the lessons learned in the #pandemic and run with them—towards a better food future for us all! ?️ ?

? Check it out:



@IFPRI’s 2021 Global Food Policy Report is all about transforming #foodsystems after #COVID19 to:

? Achieve the #SDGs

? Prepare for future shocks

? Be more inclusive, efficient, sustainable, healthy

Learn more! ?



Why must #foodsystems be transformed post-#pandemic? @IFPRI's #GFPR2021 breaks it down:

⚠️ Become more crisis-resilient

?‍? Help the poor & vulnerable

✅ Get #SDGs back on track

? Protect our planet

Read the #GFPR2021! ?



Press Inquiries

Drew Sample
Phone: +1 (202) 862 8173

Social Media Inquiries

Sarah Edwards
Phone: +1 (202) 862 8161
GFPR Chapter Messages
Chapter 1

The #GFPR2021 urges us to seize opportunities opened by the #pandemic to transform #foodsystems. How?

?️Use global events in 2021

?Promote social safety-nets

?Improve access to digital services

?Increase resilience

?Innovative financing

Learn more:


The #pandemic exposed inequalities in #foodsystems: Among different regions ? ? ?, rural & urban ? ?️, rich & poor ? ?, & disadvantaged groups ?.

We need to transform #foodsystems after #COVID19. ?

? Learn how in Ch. 1 of @IFPRI's #GFPR2021:


@IFPRI’s 2021 Global Food Policy Report urges us to seize opportunities up opened by the #pandemic to transform #foodsystems. But how do we begin?

?️ Use global events in 2021 to put food system transformation on the agenda

? Promote social protection policies to protect vulnerable populations

? Improve access to digital services to reduce inequality and facilitate resilience

? Improve communities’ ability to anticipate & absorb shocks

? Seek innovative ways to finance the transformation

Learn more in Chapter 1 of the #GFPR2021!



The #pandemic and associated policy responses exposed weaknesses and inequalities in #foodsystems: Among different regions ? ? ?, rural and urban populations ? ?️, rich and poor populations ? ?, and disadvantaged groups ?.

Chapter 1 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report explores those weaknesses and tells us how to TRANSFORM #foodsystems after #COVID19, not just fill in the cracks:


Chapter 2

To improve #foodsystems resilience through policy, governments must:

? Build confidence among citizens

?️ Develop robust public systems

? Spur private innovation in food systems

? Improve policy coordination

Learn more in Ch. 2 of @IFPRI's #GFPR2021:


Policy responses to #COVID19 around the ? followed a similar course:

1️⃣ Lockdowns & health measures

2️⃣ Fiscal, monetary, & social protection interventions

@IFPRI's #GFPR2021 explains how to shift from policy responses to resilient policy systems:


To improve #foodsystems resilience through policy, governments must:

? Have a multisectoral perspective and clearly defined values.

? Build confidence and credibility among citizens

?️ Develop robust public systems for the poor and vulnerable

? Spur private innovation in food systems, particularly by SMEs

? Develop processes for better policy coordination

Learn more in Chapter 2 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report:



Policy responses to #COVID19 around the ? followed a similar course:

1️⃣ First there were lockdowns and health measures put in place

2️⃣ Then came fiscal, monetary, and social protection interventions

Chapter 2 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report explains how to shift from reactive, after-the-fact policy responses to resilient policy systems that are already set up for success:


Chapter 3

Pre-COVID, 3 billion people couldn't afford a healthy diet; that could rise by 267.6 million between 2020-2022 due to the #pandemic. ?️

? Ch. 3 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report shares key steps for achieving nutritious diets for all:



#FoodSystem transformation after #COVID19 must support healthy diets with:

? Cash & food transfers

? School meals

? Diet guidelines

? Regulated advertising

⭐ Education & incentives

Read Ch. 3 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report:



Pre-COVID, 3 billion people could not afford a healthy diet; that could rise by 267.6 million between 2020-2022 due to the #pandemic. ?️

? Chapter 3 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report shares key steps for achieving nutritious diets for all:



#FoodSystem transformation after #COVID19 must support healthy diets. Chapter 3 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report provides the roadmap:

? Strengthen and expand social protection programs like transfers and school meals

? Support countries in developing food-based dietary guidelines

? Harness the influence of food environments towards health, e.g. regulate advertising

⭐ Promote innovation and policy incentives for nutrition

Learn more:


Chapter 4

The #pandemic has highlighted the need to manage natural resources ? & #ecosystems ?️ in a way that increases #foodsystem resilience & #sustainability.

? Ch. 4 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report provides crucial recommendations! #GFPR2021



Governing #foodsystems for #sustainability:

?Integrated thinking

?Strive for “nature-positive” systems

?Tap into local knowledge & goals

?Develop multistakeholder platforms

?Protect #environmental health

Learn more in Ch. 4 of @IFPRI's #GFPR2021:


Environmental degradation and climate change will likely cause shocks like #COVID19 in the future, so we need to manage natural resources ? & #ecosystems ?️ in a way that increases #foodsystem resilience and #sustainability:

? Chapter 4 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report provides crucial recommendations for governing our food systems in an environmentally friendly way:




How can we govern our #foodsystems sustainably to mitigate the impacts of future environmental shocks?

? Integrated “eco-agri-food systems” thinking

? Incentivize “nature-positive” food systems that restore or maintain #ecosystems

? Tap into local knowledge and goals through participatory processes

? Develop multistakeholder platforms for negotiation and knowledge exchange

?️ Promote landscape-level and watershed-level governance

? Protect #environmental health to reduce future zoonotic diseases and natural disasters

Learn more in Chapter 4 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report:


Chapter 5

⚠️ The urban poor, informal workers, women, & displaced people have likely borne the brunt of the pandemic's impacts. That's why social protection is critical for vulnerable groups during these times.

Read Chapter 5 of @IFPRI's #GFPR2021 to learn more:



Social protection has expanded to an unprecedented degree during the #pandemic ?, but many people were still left without coverage, & programs were rarely gender sensitive. ?

? Learn more in Ch.5 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report:



⚠️ The urban poor, especially informal workers and women, as well as refugees and displaced people have likely borne the brunt of the pandemic's health and employment impacts.

Chapter 5 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report emphasizes how critical social protection is for vulnerable groups during these times and provides recommendations for building an inclusive #foodsystem going forward.




Social protection has expanded to an unprecedented degree during the #pandemic ?, but many people were still left without coverage, and programs were rarely gender sensitive. ?

How can policymakers ensure #foodsystems inclusivity and protect EVERYONE in the event of future shocks?

? Chapter 5 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report shares key insights:


Chapter 6

In what ways did #COVID19 disrupt food supply chains?

? Lockdowns & restrictions

?‍? Labor supply

? Input provisioning, logistics, distribution

? Shifting consumer demand

See Ch. 6 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report for more info:



Recommendations for crisis-resilient food supply chains:

?Promote innovation

?Generate employment & better livelihoods

?Reduce transaction costs

?Promote market integration

?Improve market access & entry

?Invest in infrastructure

#GFPR2021 Ch. 6 ?


In what ways did #COVID19 disrupt food supply chains?

? Lockdowns and restrictions led to changes in ?

?‍? Labor supply

? Input provisioning, logistics, distribution channels

? Consumer demand

Chapter 6 of @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report explains how different types of supply chains fared differently during the #pandemic, offering pointers for business resilience, innovation, and adaptation going forward:



@IFPRI’s #GFPR2021 recommendations for creating crisis-resilient food supply chains:

? Promote modernization and innovation

? Generate employment and better livelihoods

? Develop regulations that promote market integration...

? ...And reduce transaction costs

? Invest in adequate basic infrastructure

? Improve market access and entry for SMEs

Learn more in Chapter 6 of @IFPRI’s 2021 Global Food Policy Report, “Transforming #FoodSystems After #COVID19” ?


Regional Messages

? Africa south of the Sahara has so far escaped the direst health impacts of the #pandemic, but has seen major economic and #foodsystem effects.

? @IFPRI's #GFPR2021 provides regional analysis and looks towards transformation of African #foodsystems:


? Africa south of the Sahara has so far escaped the direst health impacts of the #pandemic, but short-term policy responses and the global slowdown have had major impacts on growth, value chains, incomes, trade, poverty, and consumption.

? @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report provides a regional analysis of the effects so far and looks towards transformation of African #foodsystems after #COVID19:


Middle East and North Africa

Despite an economic contraction across the region ?, #MENA’s #agrifood systems have been relatively resilient to the shock of the #pandemic. ?

Read about #COVID19, #foodsystems, & the road to economic recovery in the region in @IFPRI's #GFPR2021:



In the MENA region, the pandemic has compounded other serious challenges, including low oil prices, ongoing conflicts and political transitions, and natural disasters.

Learn more about #COVID19, #foodsystems, and the road to economic recovery in the MENA region in @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report:



Central Asia

? The #agriculture sector proved fairly resilient in Central Asian countries during #COVID19, but a drop in #remittances damaged economies, household welfare, & #foodsecurity.

? @IFPRI's #GFPR2021 explores regional effects & next steps for #CentralAsia:


? The #agriculture sector in Central Asian countries proved fairly resilient during #COVID19, but a drop in #remittances to the region caused significant damage to economies, household welfare, and #foodsecurity.

? @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report explores the regional effects and discusses next steps for #foodsystems transformation in #CentralAsia:


South Asia

? In #SouthAsia, lockdowns & other preventive measures were initiated early, & may have been a bigger shock to the region’s economy than the #pandemic itself.

Learn more about the state of South Asia's #foodsystems during #COVID19 w/ @IFPRI's #GFPR2021:


? In #SouthAsia, #COVID19 lockdowns and other preventive measures were initiated early, and may have been a bigger shock to the region’s economy than the #pandemic itself...

Scaling up agriculture and social protection programs accounted for more than 15% of the region’s pandemic-response budget, but labor markets were hit hard by strict lockdowns.

? Learn more in @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report:

East and Southeast Asia

⚠️ Due to the economic impacts of the #pandemic, #poverty, #foodinsecurity, and #malnutrition in East & Southeast Asia may increase for the first time in 20 years.

?️ @IFPRI's #GFPR2021 has the details on the region's challenges and responses:


⚠️ Due to the economic impacts of the #pandemic, #poverty, #foodinsecurity, and #malnutrition in East and Southeast Asia may increase for the first time in 20 years.

?️ @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report has the details on the region's challenges and responses:


Latin America and the Caribbean

? Countries in Latin America & the Caribbean have been particularly hard hit by the #pandemic due to the region’s high level of #urbanization.

?️ Learn about #COVID19's effect on #LAC #foodsystems in @IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report:



? Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have been particularly hard hit by the #pandemic due to the region’s high level of #urbanization. The #poverty and #nutrition impacts could linger into 2022.

Post-pandemic, the LAC region will need to redesign safety nets and increase support for #foodsystem transformation to build resilience to future crises.

?️ Learn more about #COVID19’s effects on LAC in IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report: