
2024 Global Food Policy Report

Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Nutrition

The world is at a pivotal moment in our understanding of both the imperative to put healthy and sustainable diets within reach of all people and the pathways to reaching this goal. In recent decades, evidence has increasingly shown the critical importance of healthy diets for addressing all forms of malnutrition and improving a wide range of human health and welfare outcomes. Evidence is also growing on the environmental and climate impacts of our food systems and the foods that make up our diets. Global commitment to improving nutrition has risen in recognition of the unique potential of healthy diets to reshape the future for both human and planetary well-being, but there is still a long way to go.

Despite our understanding of the importance of healthy diets and the need for policies, programs, and innovations to improve diet quality, less than half of the world’s population consumes diverse diets that include adequate amounts of nutritious foods. Progress in addressing malnutrition has stalled in many places, and the impacts of climate change on food systems are becoming increasingly apparent. We are facing many challenges, but focusing on diets to improve nutrition and well-being can guide our efforts.

Moving forward on food systems transformation for healthier diets will require commitments to prioritize healthy diet goals for diverse population groups, as well as climate change adaptation and mitigation options that support these goals. Countries will need to identify policy choices, instruments, and actions with a focus on “multi-duty” options and “no-regrets” actions that address all forms of malnutrition and generate net benefits for people and the planet. Financial commitments to making healthy diets affordable, accessible, and desirable must be increased. For all of these efforts, governance will need to be strengthened to navigate trade-offs among development goals and powerful interest groups.

To support this critical effort, the 2024 Global Food Policy Report examines multiple approaches to addressing poor diets and nutrition from the demand and supply sides and through better governance that, when tailored to specific contexts, can promote a shift toward sustainable healthy diets. IFPRI’s many years of work on nutrition and food systems are brought together to provide a strong basis for moving forward. Our consistent focus on delivering evidence around policies and interventions, especially those promoting inclusion and equity for women and other vulnerable groups, will continue to support decision-makers and other food system stakeholders as the need to address diets becomes more widely acknowledged. Drawing on research from IFPRI, other CGIAR Centers, and many other colleagues, the report provides evidence-based policy recommendations at both the global and regional levels, and points the way for further research, analysis, and innovation. I  would like to thank Purnima Menon and Deanna Olney for their guidance of this report as well as the many contributing authors and IFPRI’s Communications and Public Affairs team for this timely piece.

Healthy diets, sustainably sourced, should be a right for all of humanity. To strengthen human and planetary well-being, we need sincere efforts to address the many challenges impeding the achievement of this goal, especially for the most vulnerable people. We hope this report will provide both information and inspiration for all those contributing to the transformation of food systems for sustainable healthy diets.

Johan Swinnen
Director General, IFPRI
Managing Director, Systems Transformation, CGIAR

Johan Swinnen
Director General, IFPRI
Managing Director, Systems Transformation, CGIAR

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