Chapter 2


Strengthening Rural-Urban Linkages to End Hunger and Malnutrition

José Graziano da Silva and Shenggen Fan


Key Messages

  • Rural-urban linkages—including physical, economic, social, and political connections—are crucial for ending hunger and malnutrition (SDG 2) sustainably in both rural and urban areas. Rural-urban linkages also support other Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Urban growth increases food demand and spurs dietary changes in urban areas—new demand can create opportunities for rural producers to improve their livelihoods.
  • Broken value chains and poor coordination weaken rural-urban links and hold back progress on food security and nutrition.
  • Investment in rural infrastructure and intermediate towns—quality rural and feeder roads, electricity, storage facilities, communications and information—can build connections and create hubs of economic activity benefiting smallholders and cities.


Policy and Research Needs

  • What policies and investments can best develop rural-urban linkages that benefit both smallholders and other rural residents and support rural and urban food security and nutrition?
  • How can policy coordination between rural and urban areas help create efficient and inclusive value chains and governance of natural resources needed for agricultural production?
  • How can small- and medium-sized towns best be leveraged to link rural and urban areas?
  • How can public investment best be targeted to develop rural farm and nonfarm sectors and thus reduce rural and urban poverty, increase productivity, and
    improve resilience?
  • What policies and programs on social protection can improve household-level resilience in rural and urban areas?